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Mettu Kumar Yadav

Mettu Kumar Yadav garu new CC road works at srinagar colony patancheru at cost of Rs 46 lakhs.

MLA Gudem Mahipal Reddy started new CC road works with an estimated expenditure of Rs. 46 lakhs..

Respected MLA Sri Gudem Mahipal Reddy garu inaugurated new CC road works at srinagar colony patancheru at an estimated cost of Rs 46 lakhs. On this occasion, MLA garu said that urban and rural roads, drainage, street lights and drinking water will develop only by providing infrastructure facilities. It is said that the aim is to provide better infrastructure in all colonies as planned.

Market Committee Chairman Harika Vijayakumar garu, Division President Afzal garu, AE Siva Kumar garu, Town celebrities, elders and many other leaders participated in this program.

16.6.2022 at 10.23

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav responded immediately

Due to yesterday’s rain, drainage channels are jammed in many colonies, rain water on the roads….

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav who worked closely with emergency monsoon teams….

Last night’s torrential rains have jammed drainages in several colonies in Patancheru causing sewage water to flow onto roads and in some places rainwater stuck on roads. Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav responded immediately

* symphony park homes

* Nandan Ratan Pride

* Alvin Colony

* Sriram Nagar Colony

* printed in gautam nagar colonies. GHMC monsoon response teams appointed and carried out the tasks.

Water is wasted due to leakage in HMWS drinking water supply pipe in Gautam Nagar colony. Corporator has ordered HMWS officer to stop leaks immediately.

Sewage water coming to roads due to drainage jam at Mudiraja Bhavan. Corporator garu has made GHMC staff do padika works.

21.6.2022 3.49

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav GHMC officials inspected the dirty canal diversion works happening near the lakes in Patancheru..

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav along with GHMC officials inspected the dirty canal diversion works happening near the lakes in Patancheru….

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav garu GHMC Irrigation Jay, the diverting works of dirty canals that are being done for the protection of lakes. This Nalini garu, A. With E Mahender garu, inspected the diversion works going on at Saki lake and Thimmaka lakes in the city.

Corporator said that if these diversion works are completed, there will be no sewage water in the lakes and the lakes will be filled with clean water.

22.6.2022 at 3.08

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav visited several colonies to observe local problems during rainy season..

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav visited several colonies to observe local problems during rainy season….

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav visited several colonies today as per the call of the colony residents. In Sai Ganesh Colony, Sitharamapuram Colonies, local people were asked about their main problems and needs and understood.

Corporator has informed that the problems raised by the colony will be resolved very soon.

26.6.2022 at 1.10

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav started RCC platform works with 13 lakhs rupees.

MLA Gudem Mahipal Reddy, Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav started RCC platform works with 13 lakhs rupees…

Respected MLA Sri Gudem Mahipal Reddy garu and Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav inaugurated RCC platform works at inspection bungalow in Patancheru at a cost of Rs 13 lakh.

Market committee chairman Vijayakumar garu, division president Afzal garu, many leaders have participated in this program.

27.6.2022 at 11.00

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav visited several colonies in the division.

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav visited several colonies in the division….

* Observation of local issues..

Corporator Mettu Kumar Yadav visited Bandlaguda, Sishu Mandir, Shanti Nagar Colonies in Patancheru.

*The water pressure of the black water was observed as the colonists informed that the drinking water blacks will be less pressure in Bandlaguda Colony.

HMWS has instructed them to ensure water is supplied with adequate pressure.

GHMC sanitation workers were informed about the drainage problem in Sishu Mandir Colonies to the Corporator and made them do some work.

* Later inspected the construction works of the new CC road in Shanti Nagar colony. And the electricity department ordered them to move aside the electric poles that were blocking the road in some places.

27.6.2022 at 3.04