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Core issues related to Mallepally grounds and roads pending works urged ZC to Expedite the ongoing pending works across Mallepally Division.

Meeting with GHMC Zonal Commishmor Ravi Kiran sir !

Under the leadership of AIMIM Chief Janab Barrister AsaduddinOwaisi Sahab MP Hyderabad & AIMIM Nampally MLA Janab MajidHussain Sahab

Today a AIMIM Mallepally Corporator Janab ZafarKhan met GHMC Central Zonal commissioner Ravi Kiran at his office premises and discussed core issues related to Mallepally grounds and roads pending works urged ZC to Expedite the ongoing pending works across Mallepally Division..

Inspecting Ongoing Sewerage line work at Murtuza Nagar Reinbazar Division,

On the instructions of AIMIM President Barrister Asaduddin Owaisi sahab,Yakutpura MLA Janab Jaffar Hussain Meraj Sahab and Yakutpura Incharge Yasar Arfath sahab

AIMIM Reinbazar Corporator Mohammed Wasay Uddin and Senior worker Waseem Uddin inspecting Ongoing Sewerage line work at Murtuza Nagar Reinbazar Division, Yakutpura Constituency.

In pics Area Presidents Tajammul bhai, Khaja Bhai & Baba Bhai and active workers and primary unit were present.